The Counterframe for retractable doors

Dialogo Diretto

Manufacturers of pocket door systems: this is one of the definitions attributed to us at Eurocassonetto. However, it is just one of many definitions, perhaps the most restrictive. In reality, we are much more than simple makers of “sheet metal objects”: we go beyond, much further. Inside the package, included in the price, before anything else, we offer dedicated people and services: we provide assistance and attention. Being able to perceive, anticipate, and meet the needs of people is the cornerstone and ultimate goal of all our business activities.
servizi al cliente

Working and presenting ourselves to the market, over time we have confirmed what we already knew: people need to be listened to and cared for; they need someone who can provide a prompt and reliable answer to their questions. In an increasingly fast-paced and impersonal world, we have decided to maintain, as much as possible, a direct, face-to-face relationship with people. We have chosen to stop and find time and space to keep human relationships strong. And where and when this is not entirely possible, we still manage to maintain a direct and immediate connection by leveraging the benefits of “this modern world”. So, alongside the toll-free number and fax, we have provided direct email addresses and Skype accounts. Thanks to the Internet, we visit our customers while staying in the company, but through our agents and on-site support, we are still able to shake their hands. Like gloves, we adapt to each context to find the most suitable and correct form to connect with those we interact with. This attention is materialized within the company in concrete figures dedicated to the customer: a technical staff composed of architects and engineers for any type of assistance related directly and indirectly to the issues involved in our production (both in the pre and post-sales phases); a call center and a dedicated sales department expressly to respond to and promptly follow up on various requests; a graphic and marketing department to support all marketing and co-marketing operations involving our partner customers. The invitation we extend is to enter our world, to participate in our thinking. The challenge is to open up our company reality, to overflow our colors to reach people, thus creating points of contact that ensure an exchange of values, thoughts, services, and mutual benefits.

Our slogan “seeking partners, not customers” is aimed at “selected minds”. Minds capable of looking far ahead and not being dazzled by fleeting glimpses. Minds capable of distinguishing between saving and value. The idea is to go beyond the product. We invite you to invest in our name, thus ensuring the timeliness of real services that can improve your financial gains and your image. We invite you to stay with us, because it’s worth it. Why is it worth it? Access to “reserved lanes” and priority in transportation logistics, as well as responsive and direct administrative channels. Continuous technical and commercial support through: A toll-free number and direct email addresses that facilitate direct dialogue between parties (technical staff will always be available).

The most direct and effective communication through our portal:

– Consulting and free downloading of our catalogs.
– Online quotation requests.
– Detailed accounting documents (transport documents/invoices).
– Free updates and training courses.
– Newsletters with company news and insights into the architecture and construction industry.

But also, and above all, the promotion, advertising, and dissemination of your name and your company through our co-marketing activities and series of advertising campaigns targeted at industry professionals.

To learn more about the benefits, conveniences, and conditions for becoming an Authorized Dealer, contact us at

We Carefully Build The Happiness of Living


Research & Development

partners in excellence

Robust, Rigid, Resistant

We would like to be for you that company able to offer not only counterframes for retractable door but  a reality that is able to assist you in every need and to always provide you the correct solution about sliding systems for internal  and external  fixtures, so as to offer your high quality and reliable products.

EUROCASSONETTO – Frames for concealed doors and sliding systems.

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