Customer retention
The Counterframe for retractable doors
Why Eurocassonetto
Because we have chosen to confront the crisis and changes by determining ourselves to BE the CHANGE. The direction we’ve taken is guided by our personal compass of quality, integrity, and “words kept.” The Eurocassonetto mindset is truly a mindset for select individuals. Minds capable of seeing far, able to not be blinded by fleeting flashes. Minds capable of distinguishing between savings and convenience. Without any hint of arrogance, our only claim is to improve what we have communicated, spread, discussed, and done so far. The invitation we extend is to enter our world, to participate in our thinking. The challenge of this new year is to open up our company reality, to overflow our colors to reach you, thus creating points of contact that ensure an exchange of values, thoughts, services, and mutual benefits. The idea is to go beyond the product: we invite you to invest in our name to ensure tangible service conveniences in order to facilitate economic and image gains. We invite you to stay with us: we invite you to do so because it’s beneficial.

We Carefully Build The Happiness of Living
partners in excellence
Robust, Rigid, Resistant
We would like to be for you that company able to offer not only counterframes for retractable door but a reality that is able to assist you in every need and to always provide you the correct solution about sliding systems for internal and external fixtures, so as to offer your high quality and reliable products.
EUROCASSONETTO – Frames for concealed doors and sliding systems.